纽约(路透社身心健康专栏)12月21日电—据《变态反应,癫痫及病毒学年鉴》华尔街日报11副刊一篇报道,舌下减敏制剂(SLIT)用药雄花归因于的细菌感染过敏进展高。“并用SLIT减缓鼻炎的并发症及用药增值,消除社会制度经济负担,”意大利Genoa大学Giovanni Passalacqua助手真是。“先前不太可能有增强施打制剂消除社会制度负担,但这是首次对实用制剂(SLIT)展开严苛评估的结果。”Passalacqua助手及其室友们对雄花归因于的过敏特质鼻炎和癫痫治果展开研究,评估并用SLIT结合规范用药及除此以外并用规范用药的费用及。研究医务人员报道,SLIT使63.1%的症状症状加强,并卫生保健51.8%的症状用到癫痫,而除此以外应用规范制剂某种程度使23.2%的症状症状加强,卫生保健28.9%的症状用到癫痫。而且同规范用药相对于,SLIT的直接及间接花费均减小:SLIT症状用药的总体花费最低东欧国家卫生保健系统得出结论的4年内除此以外用药用药花费,并且最低社会制度公众得出结论的2年内除此以外用药用药花费。“SLIT并必须算是增强施打制剂的劲敌,” Passalacqua助手解释真是,“而是将其作为用药分析方法的另一选择。它最大的优点在于其均值的安全特质和症状的易接受特质。”“SLIT在旧金山并未迟至应用,尽管一些变态反应专家应用它(并且取得了满意的结果),” Passalacqua助手真是。“国家情况完全完全相同,SLIT在很多东欧国家中的广泛应用(如意大利,德国,法国,西班牙,巴西,希腊及匈牙利)。”当前的问题是SLIT并未想得到FDA的批准,“Passalacqua助手足量道。“受到FDA大力支持的流行病学正在展开中的,并将会想得到批准。” Sublingual Immunotherapy Cost-Effective for Pollen-Induced AllergyBy Will Boggs, MDNEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 21 - Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is cost-effective for treating s with pollen-induced respiratory allergy, according to a report in the November Annals of Allergy, Asthma Brown Immunology."The use of SLIT leads to a socio-economic sings by reducing the comorbidities of rhinitis and drug consumption," Dr. Giovanni Passalacqua from University of Genoa, Italy told Reuters Health. "This fact has been previously envisaged also for injection IT, but this is the first rigorous assessment made by means of a validated economic model."Dr. Passalacqua and colleagues' study was designed to evaluate the costs and consequences of using SLIT in association with standard treatment compared with standard treatment alone in young s with pollen-induced allergic rhinitis and asthma.SLIT improved symptoms of 63.1% of patients and prevented asthma in 51.8% of patients, the authors report, compared with 23.2% and 28.9%, respectively, of patients receiving standard treatment.Compared with standard treatment, SLIT resulted in lower direct and indirect expenses, the researchers note.According to the results, the overall cost of treatment for SLIT patients drops below that for patients receiving only drugs at year 4 from the National Healthcare System perspective and at year 2 from the societal perspective."SLIT is not to be intended as an antagonist of injection IT," Dr. Passalacqua explained, "rather as an additional therapeutic option. Its best advantage is the optimal safety profile and the good acceptance by the patients.""SLIT is not officially in use in the USA, although some allergists utilize it (with satisfactory results)," Dr. Passalacqua said. "In Europe the situation is completely different, and SLIT is widely used in many countries (e.g., Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Hungary).""The problem is formal, due to the fact that SLIT has not the approval of the FDA," Dr. Passalacqua added. "Clinical studies endorsed by the FDA are currently ongoing to get the approval."Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2006;97:615-621.
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